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A puppy distracts evil The reverse psychology approach to resolution making Does this ever happen to the Dali Lama? Call the diet police! This preacher is excited but not Pentecostal That kid is as dumb as a box of rocks If a man sleeps in a forest... Highly sacrilegious humor God is always first in the cosmic buffet line American tourists gaze upon the giant Shiva statue There is nothing funny about Shinto Why do the loud, annoying, uninteresting people do all the talking? God goes on vacation Somebody has to be the pin that pops over inflated egos Here is your sign The appendix fairy Standing around the water cooler A duck walks into a bar... Drawing outside of the box Crazy Al's Zenporium Ever feel like you are in an Ingmar Bergman film? Two models plan to kill their agents (male nudity) A Bible toting heckler Friends do not let friends inhale helium Why doesn't the public support the arts The latest fashion: Jeans with pre-worn rears Drawing with the left hand Buddhists cheerleaders Subtitles would appear in the real world He paid for a private show TOP DOWN Hamlet at McDonald's Prehistoric food test Extra-dimensional travel Indiana Jones and the real Temple of Doom The original Buffy the Vampire Slayer What the hell happened to Easter!? Death has to attend seminars in order to maintain his certification Trying all aspects of the shoe In a perfect world ambulances would carry courtesy signs Strange sensations Rich man donates to museum under certain conditions Misplaced creativity The Hubble Space Telescope makes a remarkable discovery Piercings are not necessarily a bad thing Don't worry, he's left handed The gag fairy brought nice things for all the cartoonists Metta - Loving Kindness Meditation The voice of an angel Death visits "Glamour Shots" Attitudes of the 21st Century Lefty's Gym A real Freak Show! Today, I am naked and avante garde (nudity) Mr. Bubble Smith's Deli Roger Moore's career is in jeopardy A day at a classic rock radio station Oscar, the jet propelled penguin God's Focus Group Using company fools to test a product TOP UP DOWN Recess for adults There has to be a pattern Lightning Bug Man! Animated Encounter with an ugly man Crest club for cockatiels The dolphins at Sea World develop opposable thumbs My brilliant co-workers The Fish Stretcher 9000 A peek into the modern classroom The day of Serenity Generic single panel comic Deer in the city If you cannot find serenity, apathy will work in a pinch A message from the cartoonist A Zen Cartoon Clueless parents in a restaurant That last push was a bit hard I am surrounded by ass holes! Covering my ass Bob actually gives a rat's ass Overdrawn at the blood bank A show that will never be aired on the Travel Channel Hey bitch, that is a nice ass you got there. Now, that is a bitch slap! Why work place homicides do not happen more often Your brain on drugs Welcome to Destroyed Habitat Acres! Never mix Flintstones with Rubbles! Thank God for this cold! TOP UP DOWN IQ varies with activity Zen Buddhists move upstairs A very flat tire Bagpipes at a funeral A charming room for a little girl Warning labels for medication Gandhi non-violently resists ass! Fred, the polygon parrot Foreign made panels have thin borders Why do women with big butts wear short skirts? Babypult Man springs into action! Somebody is actually prepared for the bad news Keys to a successful relationship The miraculous hanky I guess you don't want to cuddle New employee is shown his cubicle and something else Confusing labels I love potatoes! An unwelcome sign of aging Clip Art: the lazy cartoonist's friend Kidnapping of an ugly child Decisions, decisions We don't serve exclamation points here! A day in the life of bees A familiar neck Redecorating the bedroom cured insomnia Personal trainer for gag writers Boy, I must be really sick Geometric Pornography Becoming one with the universe TOP UP DOWN The ultimate defense system The Edna Ferber I know wouldn't have done this! Someone that you should not take back to your place Tele-Evangelist Seminary The NEW and IMPROVED Testament A portrait of the artist in a really bad mood Lottery tickets that grants the winner absolute power How to successfully blow your brains out Fun with clip art: Part I Fun with clip art: Part II Fun with clip art: Part III Fun with clip art: Part IV Fun with clip art: Part V Fun with clip art: Part VI Fun with clip art: Part VII Fun with clip art: Part VIII