| Studio Idiom Online Gallery exhibiting the work of Chicago artist Bryan Knox. The artist designed the site. Great navigation. Cool way to display art. Definite cubist influence. meanducks.com meanducks.com is the online illustration portfolio of freelancer Caroline E. Jones. Come see my published work and my latest chalk pastel illustrations! Great site! Still trying to figure out mean ducks. Displays work in a variety of styles. Clay Art Pottery, Vicki Hardin Fine Works in Clay Showcasing the work of pottery Vicki Hardin and hosting the Clay Art Web Guide, a resource for those interested in clay. Great art and interesting information about techniques. Has lots of links to clay pottery resources. Artist Metalsmith - Rocio Heredia - Chasing and Repoussé in Art Metals Rocío is a self taught Metalsmith artist of the Mexican Contemporary generation. She uses traditional metalwork techniques of Chasing and Repousse to raise intricate designs on Tin and Copper. She is known for her extraordinary Icon covers and Jewish art, drenched in vivid brightness, and infused with the innate drama of Metals. Pogogallery We're Pogogallery a hand made project by artists from the dirty depths of East London. We offer submissions for an online, and when funding becomes available, a London Show. Theres listings of happenings and exhibitions in jolly old London town, short reviews of galleries we've been to, a Forum for debates on art and culture as well as a simple chat room. Oh yeah and daily links of art related goodness. Interesting Net Art. Funky design. L'histoire d'un soldat Drawings, History and Letters of Joseph Lesage a First World War telegrapher and Artist. Together witch two comrades he started in 1915 a front-paper for his division. Joseph went through all of it: the first German attacks near Nancy in 1914, the battle of Verdun in 1916, battle at the rivers Aisne and Marne in 1917 and 1918. Enjoy the reputation of a promising painter, drawer en etcher Joseph Lesage (1884-1918). Excellent site, thoroughly researched. Wonderful introduction to Lesage. Captures the horrors of World War I. Jiuzhaigou - A Virtual Tour Jiuzhaigou, a fairyland in Sichuan, China. Visit this site for a virtual tour. Slideshows of the most beautiful pictures ever taken of Jiuzhaigou. Beautiful, fast loading pictures. Symmetry and Motion This site is intended to showcase the design portfolio of David Hicka, a U.S. Air Force graphic illustrator. Good work. Capra 7 Art Studio Australian abstract expressionist artist Shane Garton. Works on paper and canvas, acrylic and oils. A contemporary international style emphasizing the meditative, spiritual, poetic and human condition. Jazz and poetry a source of inspiration to many of the art works. Wonderful homage to Van Gogh. Literature, Arts L.dSM is an illustrator, a fine artist. The author is also published in France in collections, reviews : paintings, logos, digital artwork, editorials, articles, poems. In the site too : sculptures, e-cards, French literature... French and English language. Beautiful art. edycreation 3d images and animations gallery. Wow. Bitstop Photo galleries from our home in St. John's Newfoundland, as well as photo galleries from other places in Canada. Fantastic digital photos. 4 Elements Award 4 Elements Award program is a unique web award program brought to you by ProTravelConcepts.com. We would like to award websites that well deserve recognition for their diligent work and artist talent. Well thought out awards program. Beautiful graphics. Criteria that acknowledges the diversity of the web. The Spylab A personal gallery of photo and 3D images. Also has downloads for Bryce users. Beautiful photos and 3D art. Jennifer's Imagination My site features a spot for my fine art work (pencil, oil pastels, and colored pencil); however, mostly showcases my very "odd" hobby- making miniature scale Arabian Horse Native Costumes. They are incredibly painstaking creations and each is unique. The costumes are spectacular, a must see! This is a very impressive site, especially since Jennifer codes using Notepad. Incredible. CDIslands Art and photography of tropical subjects including landscapes, seascapes, beaches, birds, animals, marine life, sunsets, flowers, coral reefs, rainforests. Great photos and watercolor. Through the eyes of john baselmans A site with the most complete information about art and design. You will find: drawings, illustrations, stamps, posters, postcards, advertising, photos, also available are: courses, information, gifts and services. The Artwork of Caroline Tigeress Original artwork and art tutorials. Fast loading, gets right to the art, simple but effective design. Tutorials are useful. Paintings are beautiful. Berty's wallpapers Photography, computer graphics, art, wallpapers, top models, Miss Croatia. All images and graphic design are original. Lots of beautiful women. Portfolio of Jim Conte A portfolio of paintings, drawings, illustrations and graphic design by Jim Conte NightWing Enterprises: Featuring the work of Ray Cologon, Sculptor. The site features the carved and turned fine wood sculpture of Ray Cologon. Images are fast loading and navigation allows access to all pages from any page on the site. The art is incredible. Glamrockcop Digital artwork that includes landscapes, abstracts and fractal based images. There are also website interfaces and awards winning yahoo messenger skins to download. ArtNexus ArtNexus magazine, now celebrating its 25th year, has launched http://www.ArtNexus.com - a web site aimed at giving art professionals buyers powerful new resources and an online community focused on art of the Americas. Very well designed and displays a variety of art. Artpages It's the site of Francesco Severini and Silvia Ginocchietti's painting works and also of their exhibition projects. "The Modular Triangular System" Caribbean invention utilizing the combination of triangles for support formation in painting. Specific alternative approach to the hegemonic rectangle in art. Artist Roy Lawaetz provides an art theory and multi-cultural aesthetic called “The Modular Triangular System.” Kalamu means pencil in Swahili I am an artist, poet, and musician. My site features my artwork, poetry, and information about my family. Beautiful pencil art and the our heritage section is a must read for anyone interested in American history and the contributions of African Americans. wildscreens.com quality wildlife photography and fine art related web site. Beautiful photos. Equi-Oz Design Web design, graphic design and fine art portraits for the equestrian industry. Fantastic equine art. A must see for the horse and art lover. The world of BabyC An online art gallery with both digital and "handmade" art, primarily fantasy and scifi. Great art. Barbara Tampieri Home Page This virtual fine arts gallery offers permanent and monthly exhibitions of international artists and hosts the official site of the Italian master Giuseppe Tampieri. Home of the BTDesign Awards and the annual art award "Master of 2001". The site offers also original photography and exclusive free services like greeting cards, printable calendars and wallpapers. Rainbow World of Watercolours Airbrush Artwork by Tony Wakeford. The art museum type navigation is neat. The opening image map is clever. L Martine Photography An online photo gallery of Limuel Swanson, a freelance photographer based in Sydney, Australia. Very nice layout. JohnMatt.com its mainly to show my art, design and photography portfolio but I have included personal aspects such as family photos and descriptions and wedding photos. Very nice. Evleens Art Gallery Embellishing what is already of pure beauty; Evleen's style is reminiscent of the romantic era. The softened flowing lines coupled with cherub expressions of purity. Artist available for celebrity portraits, master recreations and customized paintings. Dragon's Lair Images A virtual gallery of digital artwork by L. S. Pendragon. Gorgeous fractal art. I did not know mathematics could contain such beauty. Fantasy Dreams Artistic Bedheads Beautifully sculptured bedheads which combine interior design with fine arts. The artists use a range of mixed media to create this unique bedroom furniture. The designs are inspiring. The place to go if you are looking for a unique head board. David Geer's The Art Den An online art gallery featuring the oil paintings of award-winning artist David Geer. Also has info on shows, sales, commissions and exhibitions The Magic Words Features the award-winning poetry and prose of Nicole S. Porter. Highlights include writing tutorials and entertaining monthly columns. This site is a rare gem on the web, a poetry site with great poetry. The site also has a good design. I found that reassuring upon visiting because I was expecting the typical poetry site - poems that would cause a Vogon to hurl and design that would hurt Ray Charles' eyes. This site broke through my preconceived notions. Nikola Kitanovic Nikola Kitanovic, poet, novelist, fashion and web designer, present his work, life, and maybe more. Click A simple gallery of works by photographer Alex Centrella. The site loads quickly and the photographs are visually stunning. Desktop Pictures These are some of my personal photographs that can be used as free desktop pictures on your computer. Beautiful nature photographs. High quality. masks.org masks.org is a nonprofit educational digital library on masks, mask makers and masquerade. It has galleries: artist, museum, festival, and youth. Fascinating site. Pavlovsk Pavlovsk is a superb palace and park ensemble of the late XVIII - beginning of the XIX centuries which was used as a summer residence of the Russian emperor Paul I and his family. The landscape park, one of the largest in Europe. Arseny Muchnick A very young British artist who had his first solo exhibition in 2001. Moderately modern, mainly oils. Information about the artist, gallery of paintings, and limited edition prints for sale. I looked at the art and then I looked at the photo of the artist. I thought he was a very strange looking adult. I re-read the biography and it dawned on me that this is a child. The art does not look like the work of a child. That is funny because a lot of people regard modern art as simply childish scrawls. Arseny certainly proves that there is much more to modern art than just splashing a bit of paint about a canvas. Alex Bratu Photography The site features some of my photographs, grouped by subject into small galleries. The emphasis is on nature and travel photography. In addition, I offer a contributors' gallery and a "by request" gallery. Beautiful photographs. SW - Graphic Design Graphic design, digital art, illustration and special effects. Original artwork. Outstanding images. nancyart Inspirational and spiritual art that celebrates earth based religious traditions. Easy to navigate and loads quickly. A very enjoyable place to visit. Sekimori Design Portfolio site for artist and web designer Stacy Tabb. Includes free downloadable Wallpaper, Horoscope, Essays and Games. She designed the Blue Coyote Studio site. Must read "Why I Hate Tom Cruise" Blue Coyote Studio Portfolio site for photographer Daniel Tabb. Includes digitally manipulated photographs and original writings. Great photography that is well presented. Jamoka Metal Tiger My own take on art & commerce. The designer for Oliart's web site displays more examples of his brilliant work. Oliart Music The band, Oliart. A cool website for a band with a great sound. The falling ash from the cigarette on the opening page is a nice touch. Website has music samples and dates the band is playing. Good use of Flash in navigation. DracoBlu: Dragon Mythology, Spirituality, Sacred Art DracoBlu is the symbolist art and writing of Susanne Iles, devoted to dragon mythology, spirituality and sacred art. This site is quite a departure from the usual dragon sites that have mediocre artwork and bad writing. This site has beautiful examples of dragons and is well researched regarding dragon lore. A must bookmark site for dragon lovers. ASCII by Lorrie An indexed by subject collection of my original ASCII art, done in html color for viewing pleasure. Brilliant and interesting art. ASCII art is art using letters, characters, symbols and numbers to form an image. Lorrie uses this medium very well. Paintings by Wayne Peterson Showcases more than 100 paintings by the award-winning Professor of Art emeritus, and offers a glimpse into this quiet, unassuming artist's life. Impressionist style. Very well presented. The simplicity of design of the web site reflects the artist's unassuming life. Redism The Redism site has been created by Bass Beers Worldwide as a way of showcasing up-and-coming creative talent from many different disciplines including art and design, fashion, music, multimedia, film, photography and literature. Each month, entries on a particular theme are submitted, (in any medium whether it is ceramics, poetry, photography or audio etc.,) and the guest editors choose the 10 best works to be rated and discussed by the site users. Each month, the most highly rated winning piece of work is featured on the site. Bass are also discussing the possibility of printing a book every quarter which would include art from the site. Not only is there great art but you can learn a lot about the Bass Brewery. Requires Flash 5 to fully experience and you need to be of legal drinking age. The site navigation allows quick access to all the site. The images load quickly and the user is given the option of seeing the images in a larger size. Dreamscraps Studios Dreamscraps is to showcase my digital artwork, as well as provide useful links to other artists, 3d artistic resources, free galleries, software, etc. I have a Java page, and a couple of Metastream pages. Fantastic art. D N A Artistic Site of Dragan Milinkovic and Nikola Kitanovic with their art design, paintings, poems, digital art, industrial design and home of D N A Award Program. Espaço Arte-Surrealismo Portuguese site about Surrealism with information on Salvador Dalí, René Magritte and Joan Miró. Only available in Portuguese. Able to navigate and understand what the site is about despite the language barrier. Great pictures and a good introduction to Miró and Magritte. The love for the subject comes through in the design and extensive information. Helene Black -| Artist |- Mixed media, installations, sculptures, paintings and full on line illustrated cv of the artist. Bojan's Work Exhibition of photos, collages and graphic design. Photo reports on Novi Sad, Bologna and Istanbul. Dubravka Jovicic Official site Official site of famous piano player Dubravka Jovicic. Beautifully designed menu. Includes samples of music. A very lovely site. Vicky Lentz - An Artist in Nature Professional Canadian visual artist inspired by nature and plein air painting. Contemporary nature landscapes in oil, watercolour and mixed media. Offers workshops and retreats in the beautiful Forest Studio. Very nice site, lovely paintings. Dean Jablonski - Canadian Artist Simplicity. Simply wonderful art presented in an interesting way. Requires flash to view gallery. The Collingwood Series reminds me of my travels through Texas. Dragons and Such My site is dedicated to my own original fantasy (as well as some sci-fi and other miscellaneous) artwork. Rick Borstelman's Graphic Portfolio A portfolio of art done in a variety of mediums by one artist. Oscar Araripe Painter and Poet Gallery Oscar Araripe Paintings and Drawings Gallery/ Today Exhibitio/ Some Exhibition/ Art for Classrooms/ An Interactive Tarot Player/ Free PostCards/Literature/ Bilingual. Wow! That is all I can say about Araripe's Art. My vocabulary is woefully inadequate to describe the vibrancy of Araripe's paintings. Go check them out. Cid Ley is giving away music!! CDs, Free Downloads, Artist T-Shirts, reviews, Links to other Artist, Internet Radio Stations, Photos and too much more!!! Cool experimental, electronic music. Danil Shcherbak Design D.S.D. Web-Design, Flash, 3d modeling, 2d graphic. Very nicely designed site. Fantastic art work, very easy to navigate even though the site's primary language is Russian. anthrastorm.com I believe that a site should not only have interesting contents but also contain useful utilities so that a visitor would want to return. This started out as a personal homepage which was developed into a website featuring many free utilities such as multiple search engines, music search and reviews, software recommendation, currency conversion, email checking services, get paid to surf programs, security and privacy issues. Varied contents and online art galleries to cater to different interests. Employed javascripts and graphics to spice up the website. Check out "Portfolio" section! Please use "Singapore mirror" for banner free surfing. This dude knows his javascript and his graphics software. Warning, a lot of new browser windows will open. Visually pleasing with interesting text to go with the art. BlackHole (FM) It is art site. Yes, it is an art site and a great one at that. One does not need to know Finnish in order to navigate the site. His(?) art shows a Mark Rothko influence. Don't mistake the link "Hardcore" for a porn link, it is simply a link to his vita and list of exhibitions. The poem TAIDEHISTORIA under the Tekstit link is a visual poem that reminds me of both e.e. cummings and Zippy the Pinhead. cummings understood that poems are usually read and thus included a visual element in his poetry and Zippy the Pinhead often plays word games like the ones in this poem. Quality Tattooz A quality tattoo artist directory and gallery featuring the best artists from around the globe. MoserArt This is an elegantly designed web site which in its simplicity highlights the artwork of Moser. Knightly Art Images An art site featuring my own work and a small gallery of work by other artists. Has a great grasp of her medium. this perfect day A personal collection of art, literature, and music. Innovative design elements and original artwork. Be sure to check out the java applet, it is very soothing. Inmaculada Arricivita The paintings on silk of Inmaculada Arricivita. Spanish, English, French and Italian texts. Silk is a very difficult medium to paint on and Inmaculada performs magic with this medium. Scrappy's Studios Colorful and creative site featuring original handmade creations and addictive web fun. Updated weekly. Scrappy makes lovely quilts and wall hangings. Hidden Beauty Gallery Fine Art and Antiques Californian Champion Original Art and Animations. Photos, weird pictures, stuff I like, odd looking link section, also link banners and cyberpets I made. Mostly that. Fine Art On Line An online art gallery featuring several artists, various media, including watercolor, oils, acrylic, photography, murals and needlepoint. Some drawings and prints and miscellaneous. An applet gallery is also presented. The needlepoint is especially impressive. There is Poetry in my Heart My site is full of poetry, mine and some submitted work. Its just a real pretty place!! :) It is a lovely place. The poems are good, the design is easy on the eyes and most importantly to me, music is strictly optional. Poetry and Art English/Vietnamese poems and Spiritual artwork by Truong Dinh. Barbara Tampieri Home Page My site offers a main fine art section with the permanent exhibition of Giuseppe Tampieri's artworks from 1936 to 1999 and the BTDesign Art Gallery, hosting every month one of the winners of The Golden Art Site Award. Other sections include my original photos, a collection of vintage classic movie stars postcards, all available for sending, and my Award program for Best Site, Best Movie Site and Golden Art Site Awards. Hope you enjoy the visit! basil's art original digital paintings. a unique interpretation of my views on color, perspective, depth, and contours. the paintings have an inner illumination, and atmospherics quality. Lavin Original A presentation of my sculpture, painting, and poetry. D Filipino Connection Travel Gallery that spans the globe, Artwork Gallery, Confucius Wisdoms, Fascinating Facts and more. All presented with my signature graphics. Singer and Songwriter ANGELA COSTA Singer and songwriter Angela Costa explores the everyday dysfunctional -strange neighbors, illusive love, small towns and the backyards of your mind. You can listen to her latest single while you surf the site. Go listen, now! 10/20/2002 |
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